Lunatic Democrats still claiming Trump “colluded with Russia” after Mueller’s report cleared him: Can THEY be removed from office for mental unfitness?

For two years we’ve been hearing Democrats and #NeverTrump Republicans claim that POTUS Donald Trump is “unfit” for office.

We’ve heard he’s a liar, that he’s detached from reality, that he can’t accept facts or the truth. We’ve heard that he doesn’t have the mental capacity to be president. We’ve been told he can’t distinguish between fact and fiction.

While the president has gotten details wrong about certain issues and he’s ‘elasticized’ the truth in order to make a political point, there’s no evidence that he’s not grounded enough, mentally speaking, to be the leader of the world’s most powerful nation. 

However, there is plenty of evidence to indicate that many of his detractors are suffering from an inability to face facts and accept certain truths following special counsel Robert Mueller’s finding last week that POTUS did not — repeat, did not — “collude” with Mother Russia to “steal the election” from Hillary Clinton.

Notable Democrats who have been feeding the collusion hoax to cable news audiences for months now are continuing to repeat the lie as if Mueller’s report exonerating the president never existed. (Related: Kingpins behind “Russiagate” conspiracy theory, James Clapper and John Brennan, both lied to Congress – will they be held criminally liable?)

One of them is Rep. Adam Schiff of California who, sadly, is now chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. As Breitbart News reported Wednesday, Schiff told another serial fabricator of the collusion hoax, the Washington Post, that he continues to believe the lie.

Breitbart noted:

Mueller’s report came after an exhaustive, 675-day investigation that involved 500 witnesses and requests for information from 13 foreign governments. His conclusion was summarized in a four-page letter to Congress by Attorney General William Barr on Sunday. Barr quoted Mueller directly: “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”

‘No collusion’ really does mean ‘no collusion’

Never mind any of that, Schiff — known as a serial media leaker (and remember, he is chairman of the Intelligence Committee) — says. Collusion!

“Undoubtedly there is collusion,” told the paper. “We will continue to investigate the counterintelligence issues. That is, is the president or people around him compromised in any way by a hostile foreign power? . . . It doesn’t appear that was any part of Mueller’s report.”

It wasn’t Schiff’s first claim, post-Mueller report, that yes, oh yes, evidence of collusion really does exist. Two days after the report was filed, Schiff claimed on national television that there was “significant evidence” of collusion.

Breitbart News reported previously that Schiff “has claimed at least 14 times that there was evidence of collusion — and none has been found, prompting many Republicans to demand his resignation.”

He’s not alone. The original “Russian collusion truther,” Rep. Eric Swalwell, also of California (are you seeing a pattern here?), refuses to accept Mueller’s finding of no collusion.

“To the president I say, the only person who has been caught lying about Russia is the president. He said that he’d had no business dealings with Russia. We have now learned that he had dealings going all the way up to and beyond the primary,” Swalwell told another lunatic, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, on Tuesday, The National Sentinel reported.

“I saw evidence and the country has seen evidence of collusion. Bob Mueller has said that he can’t prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, which I accept, but it doesn’t mean there wasn’t collusion,” he added.

Actually, “no collusion” does mean “no collusion.”

For two years Robert Mueller, Democrats, #NeverTrump Republicans, and the dishonest “mainstream” media have pushed a “Russian collusion” narrative they have all known was false. That Mueller just now revealed it is a story in and of itself, but suffice to say, the damage these people have done — and continue to do — to our country is immeasurable.

If there is a legal remedy POTUS and the Justice Department can pursue against the hoaxers, let us hope it is employed. Someone needs to pay.

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